
Tips, advice, insights & thoughts on interiors photography, portrait photography, web marketing, and SEO.

Recent Press Coverage in Architectural Digest!

I was thrilled to learn that the June 2016 online issue of Architectural Digest featured my long-time client Interior Designer Grant K. Gibson in a story about color.

Grant and I have collaborated for many years on the photography of his design projects so it is exciting to see my work with him featured in the article - Transform a Traditional Space with a Modern Pop of Color

More Recent Press Coverage

One of the features on Cynthia Spence Design's 2016 SF Decorator Showcase room.

One of the features on Cynthia Spence Design's 2016 SF Decorator Showcase room.

Recent blog post about client Leslie Price's fab SF design project in California Home and Design.

Recent blog post about client Leslie Price's fab SF design project in California Home and Design.

The above two features were recent press coverage for two of my clients, Cynthia Spence of Cynthia Spence Design and Leslie Price of Price Style and Design. Thanks to Coupar Consulting for securing this great exposure.

New Features on Houzz - 2 in One Week!

It has been a great week marketing wise with 2 features on Houzz, the interior design and construction website and blog. Just learned this morning that a project I shot for interior designer Kathy Farley of Art Decor is featured as the Room of the Day with a detailed story about her design process for this classic Berkeley craftsman home by architect Henry Gutterson.

Read the full story on Houzz!

A snippet of the feature story about this Henry gutterson architectural gem in the berkeley hills.

A snippet of the feature story about this Henry gutterson architectural gem in the berkeley hills.

The 2nd feature, earlier this week, was a dressing room that I shot for Marie Christine Design that was featured in a post about dream dressing rooms on the French version of Houzz.

One of the dream dressing rooms featured on French Houzz.

One of the dream dressing rooms featured on French Houzz.

Thanks so much Houzz for the wonderful feature and article! I am honored.

Animals & Interior Photography
Starry in her Atherton garden at the backdoor. - Arterra Landscape architecture

Starry in her Atherton garden at the backdoor. - Arterra Landscape architecture

There is a Japanese design concept / aesthetic called wabi-sabi. Loosely defined, wabi-sabi represents the acceptance of transience and the beauty of imperfection. When I approach an interiors photography shoot, I look to convey that transience into the beauty of the room design. It can be subtly conveyed in a creased pillow, an indentation in a chair, running water, an open door, or an animal wandering in or out. Adding this playfulness or spontaneity lends an intimacy and everyday realness to the images.

On some shoots we get lucky. There might be a personable and cooperative pet who keeps us company as we shoot - following us from room to room. Some are even posers, in the very best sense of the word. They act as the transience I am looking for, adding charm, humor, personality and approachability.

Louie the Frenchie in the master bedroom. - Fannie Allen Design

Louie the Frenchie in the master bedroom. - Fannie Allen Design

Adding Intimacy to Interiors

The character above is Louie. Though a senior citizen with a propensity for wandering out the front door on a moments notice, he quickly won over the whole crew at a recent shoot with designer Fannie Allen at this colorful Menlo Park residence. He patiently cooperated, turning his head this way and that for the perfect profile and mood. Of course a cookie was not too far out of range.
As you can see he adds a breezy spark to an already cheery, sophisticated room.

Adding animals, and other wabi-sabi elements, adds a sense of unpredictability and intimacy that elevates the images. Give it a try!

The family cat in the media room. - Kendall Wilkinson Design

The family cat in the media room. - Kendall Wilkinson Design

Lucy entering the kitchen from the backyard garden. - Megan Warren Interior Design

Lucy entering the kitchen from the backyard garden. - Megan Warren Interior Design